
Specific cafã©s

specific cafã©s
Zavelpad 3

Zavelpad 3, 015-2122990. in the forest next to delft lies a pleasant establishment for coffee and snacks. most people arrive by bike after a tour around the woods. there is a sandpit with water for the children and a few other play things. it has water bikes for rent. popular with children. (

specific cafã©s
Jazzcafé Bebop
Kromstraat 13

Kromstraat, a good cafã© where the music is not so loud that you can't hear each other speaking, where the bartender is friendly and the visitors are on average around 25-30 outside the weekends maybe somewhat older. it has a wide variety of beers and during summer the patio at the back is open.

specific cafã©s
Bier café Het Klooster

Vrouw jutteland, is a beer cafã© with an excellent 200+ selection of beers. it is very small but you can sit outside and enjoy a very beautiful view. there is no tv so football supporters avoid it. the restaurant next door cooks with the special beers. not only the beers are foreign, the cafã© is popular hang out for international students and expats.

Go out and dance

go out and dance
The Koornbeurs
Voldersgracht 1

alternative student fraternity and youth society, no membership needed has a disco on friday and a metal underground scene on saturday. the average age of the visitors is about 17.

go out and dance
The Lorre

This is a student disco that belongs to a fraternity dsc. it is not always open to the public.

go out and dance

There are a few places to go out and dance:

go out and dance
Cine Dans Cafe

still under construction, not open yet. this one is just new and located near the theatre theater de veste.


Use of cannabis, weed or hashish is legal in small amounts 5 grams or less in The Netherlands. Dutch law enforcement tolerates its use in so-called coffeeshops. There are 5 coffeeshops in Delft. The Future in the Peperstraat 8, de Vlouw on the Vlouw 27, The Game on the Breestraat 30, 't Keldertje on the Kromstraat 22a and De Boeddha on the Achterom 19a. The Game and The Future are both exceptional places for Lattes and herbs.